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Como ler e meditar sobre o livro Palavras de Vida Eterna, de Emmanuel


Livro Palavras de Vida Eterna PDF Download: A Guide to a Spiritual Classic

If you are looking for a book that can inspire you, comfort you, and guide you in your spiritual journey, you might want to check out "Palavras de Vida Eterna" (Words of Eternal Life) by Francisco Cândido Xavier. This book is a collection of 180 messages from Emmanuel, a spirit guide who communicated with Xavier through psychography, or automatic writing. The book offers insights and lessons based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as interpreted by Spiritism, a doctrine that combines Christianity, reincarnation, and mediumship.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, who is the author, and how you can download it in PDF format. We will also share some of the main themes and messages of the book, as well as compare it with other works of Spiritism. Finally, we will provide you with some frequently asked questions and answers about Spiritism and its practice.

livro palavras de vida eterna pdf download

Who is Francisco Cândido Xavier?

Francisco Cândido Xavier, also known as Chico Xavier, was a Brazilian medium, philanthropist, and one of the most important exponents of Spiritism. He was born in Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, on April 2, 1910, and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, on June 30, 2002. He wrote over 450 books through psychography, claiming to receive messages from various spirits. He donated all the profits from his books to charity work. He also psychographed thousands of letters for people who wanted to communicate with their deceased loved ones. He never charged anything for his mediumistic services.

Xavier was influenced by Allan Kardec, the French educator who codified Spiritism in the mid-19th century. He started to manifest his mediumship abilities at a young age, but he faced many difficulties and persecutions from his family and society. He was helped by his mother's spirit, who appeared to him in a vision when he was five years old. She told him to follow Jesus' teachings and to use his gifts for good. He later met Emmanuel, his spirit guide, who instructed him to write books that would spread the message of Spiritism.

Xavier became a national icon in Brazil and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1981 and 1982. He was also elected as "The Greatest Brazilian of All Time" in a contest held by SBT and BBC in 2012. He is revered by millions of people who admire his humility, generosity, and wisdom.

What is Palavras de Vida Eterna about?

"Palavras de Vida Eterna" is one of Xavier's most popular books. It was first published in 1958 by FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation). It contains 180 messages from Emmanuel that comment on small verses from the New Testament. The messages are divided into four parts: The Gospel at Home, The Gospel in Action, The Gospel in Prayer, and The Gospel in Light. Each part has 45 messages that cover various topics such as faith, love, charity, forgiveness, prayer, healing, mediumship, reincarnation, evolution, free will, justice, peace, etc.The book is written in a simple and clear language, with short and concise sentences. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about the spiritual teachings of Jesus and how to apply them in their daily lives. The book is also a source of comfort and hope for those who are facing difficulties or suffering. It shows that there is a divine plan for everyone and that death is not the end, but a transition to a higher realm of existence.

What are the main messages and teachings of the book?

Some of the main messages and teachings of the book are:

  • God is the supreme intelligence and creator of all things. He is love, justice, and wisdom. He is present everywhere and in everything. He is our father and we are his children.

  • Jesus is the model and guide for humanity. He is the most evolved spirit that has incarnated on Earth. He came to teach us the law of love, which is the essence of God's law. He also came to exemplify the moral virtues that we should cultivate, such as humility, compassion, forgiveness, service, etc.

  • We are immortal spirits who have lived many lives on Earth and other planets. We are here to learn, grow, and evolve through our experiences and choices. We are responsible for our actions and their consequences, both good and bad. We are also connected to other spirits who are part of our spiritual family or group.

  • We have free will to choose between good and evil, but we are also subject to the natural laws that govern the universe. These laws are based on cause and effect, action and reaction, attraction and affinity. They ensure that we receive what we deserve according to our deeds.

  • We can communicate with the spirits of the dead through mediumship, which is a natural faculty that anyone can develop. Mediumship can be used for good or evil purposes, depending on the intention and moral quality of the medium and the spirits involved. Mediumship can also be a source of enlightenment, consolation, and healing.

  • We should practice charity in thought, word, and deed. Charity is not only giving material help to those in need, but also being kind, tolerant, respectful, and helpful to everyone. Charity is the expression of love in action.

  • We should pray regularly and sincerely to God, Jesus, and our guardian angels. Prayer is a way of communicating with the higher powers and asking for their guidance, protection, and assistance. Prayer is also a way of expressing our gratitude, praise, and devotion.

How does the book compare with other works of Spiritism?

"Palavras de Vida Eterna" is one of the many books that Xavier wrote under the influence of Emmanuel. Emmanuel was his main spirit guide who accompanied him throughout his life. Emmanuel was also a disciple of Allan Kardec, the founder of Spiritism.

Allan Kardec was the pen name of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, a French educator who lived from 1804 to 1869. He was interested in the phenomenon of spirit manifestations that occurred in Europe and America in the mid-19th century. He conducted scientific investigations and interviews with various mediums and spirits. He compiled his findings and conclusions in five books that form the basis of Spiritism: The Spirits' Book (1857), The Mediums' Book (1861), The Gospel According to Spiritism (1864), Heaven and Hell (1865), and The Genesis (1868).

[XAVIER, Francisco Cândido - Palavras de Vida Eterna [Emmanuel].pdf - Google Drive](^1^): This is a link to a PDF file of the book Palavras de Vida Eterna by Francisco Cândido Xavier and Emmanuel. You can view or download the file from Google Drive.

[PALABRAS DE VIDA ETERNA.pdf - Google Sheets](^2^): This is a link to another PDF file of the same book, but in Spanish. You can also view or download the file from Google Sheets.

[PDF - Palavras de Vida Eterna - SKOOB](^3^): This is a link to a website that provides a summary and reviews of the book Palavras de Vida Eterna. You can also download the PDF file from the website.

The books written by Xavier complement and expand on Kardec's works. They provide more details and examples about the spirit world, the reincarnation process, the moral laws, the history of humanity, etc. They also offer practical advice and inspiration for living according to Spiritism.

Some of Xavier's most famous books are: Nosso Lar (Our Home), which describes life in a spirit colony; O Consolador (The Consoler), which answers questions about Spiritism; Há Dois Mil Anos (Two Thousand Years Ago), which tells the story of Emmanuel's previous incarnation as Publius Lentulus Cornelius, a Roman senator who met Jesus; Paulo e Estevão (Paul and Stephen), which narrates the conversion of Paul from persecutor to apostle; Renúncia (Renunciation), which depicts the sacrifices of Alcione, a spirit who renounced her happiness to help her beloved; Obreiros da Vida Eterna (Workers of Eternal Life), which shows how spirits assist incarnate beings; Evolução em Dois Mundos (Evolution in Two Worlds), which explains how evolution occurs in both physical and spiritual planes; etc.

Some inspiring quotes from Palavras de Vida Eterna

VerseMessage"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8)"The pure in heart are those who have no evil intentions, who do not harbor resentment, envy, hatred, or selfishness. They are those who seek to do good to all, without distinction of race, creed, or condition. They are those who see God in everything and everyone, and who feel His presence and love in their souls."

"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." (Matthew 16:25)"To save one's life is to live according to the material and worldly interests, to seek pleasure, wealth, power, and fame. To lose one's life is to renounce these ephemeral and illusory values, to sacrifice one's ego, to serve others, and to follow Jesus' example. To find one's life is to discover the true meaning and purpose of existence, to attain peace, joy, and harmony with God."

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)"To ask is to pray with faith and sincerity, to express our needs and desires to God, who knows what is best for us. To seek is to act with perseverance and diligence, to use our intelligence and will to overcome obstacles and difficulties. To knock is to persist with patience and humility, to trust in God's timing and justice. To receive, find, and enter is to enjoy the blessings and rewards that God grants us according to our merits."

How can I download Palavras de Vida Eterna in PDF format?

If you are interested in reading Palavras de Vida Eterna in PDF format, you have several options. You can download it for free from the official website of FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) , or from other websites that offer Spiritist books in PDF format . You can also buy it online from Amazon or other bookstores that sell Spiritist books. You can also read it online on your browser or on your mobile device using apps like Google Books or Scribd .


Palavras de Vida Eterna is a book that can enrich your mind, heart, and soul. It can help you understand the teachings of Jesus Christ from a Spiritist perspective. It can also offer you guidance, comfort, and hope in your spiritual journey. It is a book that can change your life for the better.

We hope that this article has given you a good overview of what this book is about, who is the author, and how you can download it in PDF format. We also hope that you have learned something new and useful from the main messages and teachings of the book.

If you want to read more about Spiritism and its practice, we suggest you check out the following resources:

  • The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec , which is the fundamental book of Spiritism.

  • The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec , which explains the moral teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • Nosso Lar by Francisco Cândido Xavier , which describes life in a spirit colony.

  • The Spiritist Magazine , which is a quarterly publication that covers various topics related to Spiritism.

  • The International Spiritist Council , which is an organization that promotes the unity and dissemination of Spiritism worldwide.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope that you have enjoyed it and that you will download and read Palavras de Vida Eterna soon. May God bless you!


What is Spiritism and how is it different from Spiritualism?

Spiritism is a doctrine that was codified by Allan Kardec in the mid-19th century based on the communications he received from various spirits through different mediums. Spiritism combines Christianity, reincarnation, and mediumship. It teaches that we are immortal spirits who incarnate on Earth multiple times for our evolution. It also teaches that we can communicate with the spirits of the dead through mediumship, which is a natural faculty that anyone can develop.

Spiritualism is a term that refers to any belief or practice that involves contact with the spirit world. It can include various forms of mediumship, divination, healing, etc. Spiritualism does not have a unified doctrine or organization, but rather a diversity of beliefs and practices that vary from person to person, group to group, and country to country. Spiritualism does not necessarily imply a belief in reincarnation, Christianity, or mediumship as Spiritism does.

Who was Allan Kardec and what is his role in Spiritism?

Allan Kardec was the pen name of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, a French educator who lived from 1804 to 1869. He was interested in the phenomenon of spirit manifestations that occurred in Europe and America in the mid-19th century. He conducted scientific investigations and interviews with various mediums and spirits. He compiled his findings and conclusions in five books that form the basis of Spiritism: The Spirits' Book (1857), The Mediums' Book (1861), The Gospel According to Spiritism (1864), Heaven and Hell (1865), and The Genesis (1868).

Allan Kardec is considered the founder and codifier of Spiritism. He established the principles and methods of the doctrine, as well as the criteria for evaluating the quality and reliability of the spirit communications. He also founded the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, which was the first organized group of Spiritists. He also edited and published the Spiritist Review, a monthly journal that disseminated Spiritist ideas and news.

How many books did Francisco Cândido Xavier write and what are some of his most famous ones?

Francisco Cândido Xavier wrote over 450 books through psychography, claiming to receive messages from various spirits. He donated all the profits from his books to charity work. He also psychographed thousands of letters for people who wanted to communicate with their deceased loved ones. He never charged anything for his mediumistic services.

Some of his most famous books are: Nosso Lar (Our Home), which describes life in a spirit colony; O Consolador (The Consoler), which answers questions about Spiritism; Há Dois Mil Anos (Two Thousand Years Ago), which tells the story of Emmanuel's previous incarnation as Publius Lentulus Cornelius, a Roman senator who met Jesus; Paulo e Estevão (Paul and Stephen), which narrates the conversion of Paul from persecutor to apostle; Renúncia (Renunciation), which depicts the sacrifices of Alcione, a spirit who renounced her happiness to help her beloved; Obreiros da Vida Eterna (Workers of Eternal Life), which shows how spirits assist incarnate beings; Evolução em Dois Mundos (Evolution in Two Worlds), which explains how evolution occurs in both physical and spiritual planes; etc.

How can I find a Spiritist center or group near me?

If you want to find a Spiritist center or group near you, you can use the following resources:

  • The International Spiritist Council , which is an organization that promotes the unity and dissemination of Spiritism worldwide. It has a directory of affiliated federations and associations in different countries.

  • The United States Spiritist Federation , which is an organization that coordinates and supports the activities of Spiritist groups in the United States. It has a list of affiliated centers and groups in different states.

  • The British Union of Spiritist Societies , which is an organization that represents and supports the activities of Spiritist groups in the United Kingdom. It has a list of affiliated centers and groups in different regions.

  • The Canadian Spiritist Council , which is an organization that represents and supports the activities of Spiritist groups in Canada. It has a list of affiliated centers and groups in different provinces.

How can I practice Spiritism in my daily life?

If you want to practice Spiritism in your daily life, you can follow these suggestions:

  • Read and study the books of Allan Kardec and other Spiritist authors, especially The Spirits' Book and The Gospel According to Spiritism.

  • Attend meetings and activities at a Spiritist center or group near you, such as lectures, study groups, mediumship sessions, healing sessions, etc.

  • Pray regularly and sincerely to God, Jesus, and your guardian angels. Ask for their guidance, protection, and assistance. Express your gratitude, praise, and devotion.

  • Practice charity in thought, word, and deed. Be kind, tolerant, respectful, and helpful to everyone. Give material help to those in need. Volunteer for social service projects.

  • Cultivate moral virtues such as humility, compassion, forgiveness, service, etc. Avoid vices such as pride, envy, hatred, selfishness, etc.

  • Live according to the law of love, which is the essence of God's law . Treat others as you would like to be treated. Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.

  • Seek to improve yourself constantly, both physically and spiritually. Take care of your health, hygiene, and appearance. Avoid harmful habits such as smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. Exercise regularly and eat well. Meditate and relax. Learn new things and develop new skills. Be creative and productive.

  • Be optimistic and hopeful. Trust in God's providence and justice. Face your problems and challenges with courage and faith. Learn from your mistakes and failures. Forgive yourself and others. Be grateful for your blessings and opportunities.

By practicing Spiritism in your daily life, you will experience more peace, joy, and harmony within yourself and with others. You will also progress in your spiritual evolution and contribute to the collective well-being of humanity. 44f88ac181

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